Standard Lockdown Procedure When Your Ex Goes Full Psycho On You7 min read

Face it – you tried to reason, you tried to fix things, but it keeps getting worse.  No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, the drama only intensifies. You assure yourself that this is only temporary, that your ex will eventually get over it and stop harassing you. But you know what?

The games are just getting started. 

Maybe your ex is obsessed with getting you back, or maybe they want to make your life hell. The reason is irrelevant. What matters is they’ve flipped the switch from moderately crazy to full-blown psycho. 

Full-blown psycho is the most evolved, most lethal, most cunning form of Crazy. Over millennia their senses have heightened and their abilities have expanded  (thanks, evolution). Masterful persuasion to turn others against you, unrelenting energy that never tires, crazy-er eyes to stalk you more efficiently are just a few examples of this.   

You scared? You should be. 

Of course, a restraining order is an important consideration. But it can be a lengthy process, and while you wait for it to be approved, your ex has a window of time to infiltrate your home and privacy. Do you really want to give your ex a free grace period that allows them to harass you even more?

Didn’t think so.

If you feel even the slightest suspicion that your safety is at risk, then it’s time to go full lockdown. Let’s get right down to it…before it’s too late.

Standard Lockdown Procedure


1. First off, block on social media, text, and any other way they may try to contact you. It amazes me how many people I’ve coached up refuse to do this one. 

2. Don’t respond to random profiles. I once had to block a chick 30 times because she kept making new accounts…and I kept responding like a dumbass. 

Also note, the fake profile may be full of pictures of someone highly attractive. This is another tactic for them to bait you into flirting with them for the purpose of using  against you down the road. Sure, you two are broken up, but your ex will want proof of you flirting with others “so soon” after breaking up, all to shame you publicly. It paints your ex as the victim and you as the villain. 

Understand: this is either your ex or potentially one of their minions, being The Spy

3. Ignore calls from random phone numbers. I know a girl who PAID for a prank phone call app to harass her ex-boyfriends.

As a rule of thumb, typically nothing positive comes from taking calls from random numbers. Fake calls from the IRS, calls saying there is a double arrest search warrant out for you, or harassment from your ex – it’s not worth your time.

4. Lock your fucking doors. Sounds obvious, but I’ve had to find out the hard way from an ex breaking in for not doing this one. 

If your ex at one point EVER had a key to your place, then you must change the locks as soon as possible. It does not matter if the key was returned – do you really think he/she hadn’t made a copy of it? C’mon now. The cost of an ex breaking into your place FAR outweighs the cost of changing a lock. 

5. Do NOT charge your stun gun in a common area out in the open. In the event they still manage to break in (disassembles window, jumps down chimney) your ex will snatch that shit without hesitation. Now you’ve got a real problem on your hands.

…I’ve also learned this one the hard way, shamefully. 

6. Have a bugout bag ready to evacuate your home in the event of an emergency (death threats, the parents contacted you, teams up with your other exes) just in case you need to live off the grid for a few weeks. 

Also, consider hiding gold or silver in discrete spots around town just to be safe. 

7. Get a dog. That’ll show your ex that you’ve moved on from dealing with wild animals. Any type of pet – dogs, cats, elephants – are therapeutic and can be your “constant” when life is tough.

If you already have a pet even better. Pets are adept at spotting the slightest disturbance around your home. They have absolute commitment and loyalty to securing the perimeter at all costs – because face it, your pet was likely unhappy with all the attention your ex was getting for months or years – this is their opportunity to end that once and for all. 

Your pet’s pursuit of attention from you is the core of everything they do. It’s their life’s purpose, their path to happiness, their road to fulfillment. You are their world, and they will let nothing stop them from getting in the way of your attention, even if that means getting their hands (paws?) dirty.   

Pet logic: Less attention to your ex = more attention for them. 

8. Refrain from responding to any letters, postcards, notes, poems, photographs, collages, drawings, paintings, or any crafts left at your doorstep. They are all fake-white flags, meant to convey a form of truce, but this is all deception.

Paper mache in particular is a very bad sign for you. It’s pretty much a death sentence, and leaving town may not even save you. Do you know how long it takes to make that shit? You dip a thin ass piece of newspaper into a bowl of toxic Elmer’s glue damn near a thousand times. If your ex has the patience and fortitude to do that, imagine what they could be plotting against you. 

Paper mache is the ultimate trojan horse – a sign of good faith from your ex to get you to let your guard down all to inevitably infiltrate your wellbeing. The Trojans were strong, but all it took was a slight slip in the cracks of their judgment for them to be exposed, and eventually torn apart. Learn from their mistakes – view it as a sign of warfare rather than a kind, selfless offering, and discard it IMMEDIATELY. This is cunning at its finest. 

9. Get the license plate of any random cars parked near where you live. It likely won’t be your ex, but one of their minions.

For six months, typically on Mondays between 9pm-10pm, some guy in a little white truck would be stopped right in front of my driveway with the engine still running. And without fail, every time I’d look outside my window the truck would peel out like he’d just robbed a bank or something.

My roommate and I decided to do a stake-out job by hiding around the corner one night all to sneak up and get his plate. Once he saw us behind his car, he peeled out like usual and never came back. 

I will neither encourage nor discourage you from having a bunch of water balloons laced with fart spray on hand to unload on the minion if he gets out of his car. 

10. If it’s a recent breakup and you have some of your stuff left at their place, leave it there. TRUST ME. I’ve made this mistake multiple times where I show up to get a toothbrush, clothes, or whatever, all for my ex and I to get back together. Of course, the unresolved issues resurfaced, but exponentially worse.

11. Check underneath your car for any tracking devices. As far as I know, this has never happened to me, but I know people who it’s happened to. I also know psychos that have done it, thinking it’s entirely normal.

12. Do NOT accept any anonymous gifts. I had an anonymous surveillance kit sent to me soon after a breakup, which I still have no clue why. That shit could have been bugged, so I threw it in my neighbor’s garbage.

Sorry, Tom.


13. Buy your own surveillance kit. You can get a legit surveillance kit for under $200 on Amazon. Many of which have HD, night vision, motion detection, are weather-proof and can be viewed from your phone.


There you have it – standard lockdown procedure. You can’t be too careful today. An ex gone full psycho is capable of pretty much anything. You’d be a fool to underestimate their abilities.

Protection is everything. Ignore this HIGHLY EFFECTIVE lockdown procedure and you ignore your safety. Apply the steps, and you’ve put yourself in the best position possible to survive an ex with a mission to make your life hell.

We need all the help we can get. 

If you want to confirm if someone you dated/are dating is crazy or not, refer to this checklist. 

If your ex is acting like you two are together, despite being broken up, see this post for more detail.

Further literature regarding if your ex is keeping tabs on you can be found here.

Stay strong,


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