About Me2 min read

At 17 years old my life would never be the same. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, and at one point, my health was in a life-threatening condition. My back was against the wall to either find ways to survive or allow a disease to rule my life. Through my challenges, I discovered timeless principles that help overcome the stress of everyday life and the adversity life demands us all to face. 

I had the odds stacked against me, but I’m not special – anyone can learn to overcome their challenges. Any skill, any quality is learnable and teachable under the right guidance and leadership. It’s my goal to use my past experiences to help propel others forward.


I have a lot of batshit crazy ex-girlfriends. But I know I am not alone. Many of us have dated a Crazy, and it’s my goal to show you the way to overcome and survive the wrath of The Crazy. Whether if your ex is a girl or a dude, crazy = crazy. Crazy does not choose genders, crazy chooses victims. But the antidote to crazy are principles to not just help you survive, but to thrive.

Like all of us, I’ve dealt with some pretty negative people in my life. Whether it be the labels, the put-downs, their passive-aggressive nature, the insecurities they project at you, among many other tactics, it’s my goal to help you handle these issues with ease. The goal isn’t to change them, but to tap into a mindset that keeps you centered despite any negativity thrown your way.   

I grew up as a Track & Field athlete and was fortunate to have been mentored by former Olympic and NFL athletes. When I was sixteen I won the Ventura County Championships in the 400, broke a couple of school records, and received a D-1 scholarship. Even though my autoimmune disease ended my athletic career early, being a sprinter taught me much more valuable things than running fast. It changed the way I think and how I approach obstacles. Being a sprinter developed qualities in me. Running fast is temporary, but qualities like perseverance, discipline, fortitude, among many more,  are eternal if you choose them to be.

I love steak, thrilling conversations, using the correct your/you’re, and tend to get involved in copious amounts of shenanigans. I value a healthy lifestyle that embodies not only physical benefits, but that is inclusive of mental and emotional well-being too. 

I hope the content here speaks to you in a meaningful way and sparks a drive to live your best life. Never settle, never give in. Demand a life of abundance, not because you feel special, but because you are pursuing your purpose – the mission in life you were born for.