Why You Should NEVER Cross a Soccer Mom

If I had to give an award to the most ratchet grocery store, it would certainly be Vons. There are always little shits running rampant, customers crying because their coupon expired, lines moving slower than a virgin on prom night.  Surrounded by Chex mix, Cheez-its, and Gushers, I realize I’m in the wrong aisle, but…

Try this Psychedelic Experience Write Now

Classmate: Uhhh, I read your paper. Me: Shit. Why would you do that? Classmate: Um because we were supposed to. How the hell did you come up with that? Me: What do you mean? Classmate: You wrote about strippers, a frog held hostage, and had random rap lyrics throughout. Me: Don’t forget about cocaine and…

Life is All About the Sweet Spot

Ash: I’m on my way. Me: Ok see you soon. Ash: Let’s tone it down a bit tonight. Me: Why? Ash: You know why. Me: What’s the worst that could happen? Ash: Let’s see. A repeat of what’s happened already three times this week. Me: I suppose… Ash comes over and we start hanging out….

Why You Need to be More Tolerant of Others

I’m at the gym and a friend asks me about deadlift form. Me: I’m not that great at deadlifts, but using a slightly wide stance has worked best for me. Suddenly, some crossfit know-it-all’s head perks up. Crossfit Guy: OH!!! YOU MEAN SUMO! I’m instantly annoyed. What level of Dipshit do you have to be…

People Are Always Showing You Their True Colors

Sara: How are you and Fiona? Me: Oh wonderful. Fiona is super caring and thoughtful. She’s always doing nice things and favors for her friends and family.  Sara: Awe that’s sweet. I’m happy for you two. Later that day… I’m walking to the car Fiona is sitting in and I overhear her on the phone:…

Life is a Sprint, Not a Marathon

The “life is a marathon” phrase has become well accepted and commonly used, but is it truly the best representation of how we should approach our goals? Are the characteristics of a marathon truly superior to the characteristics of a sprint? I believe approaching life in the lens of a sprint over a marathon is far…

When You F*ck Up, Do This

I made a questionable decision to let someone drive my car who hadn’t driven in like four years. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? It couldn’t be that bad. It was that bad. We approach a red light: Trixie: OH MY GAWWWD WHAT DO I DO? I kid you not, she really said…