Never Date Someone Who Uses This Manipulative Tactic On You

For years, a couple of walls in my room were covered by a giant piece of paper. One wall was dedicated to people writing messages on it. The other wall was called “The Wall of Shame” – a space dedicated to writing all the stupid shit me and my friends would do, documented.  There was…

Things That Will Drive Your Ex Crazy

Let’s be clear: driving your ex crazy is NOT the goal. Awareness is the goal. Awareness is the first step to overcoming your crazy ex’s 10-step plan to fuck your shit up. Without awareness, then you will unknowingly walk into their traps and position yourself to be easily manipulated. Is that something you want? Didn’t…

Standard Lockdown Procedure When Your Ex Goes Full Psycho On You

Face it – you tried to reason, you tried to fix things, but it keeps getting worse.  No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, the drama only intensifies. You assure yourself that this is only temporary, that your ex will eventually get over it and stop harassing you. But you know…

This Is What Every Crazy You Date Will Bait You With

Elle and I had been dating for a solid couple weeks and things were going better than expected. There were no public scenes being made, no beating people with a shoe, no threatening airline stuartists. Everything was going beyond my hopes and dreams. But then something out of the blue happens: I get a message…

Halloween Gone Wild: Part Two

If you haven’t read part one of Halloween Gone Wild, give it a quick read first. This is part two. I’d just stood my ground from some bitch-boy getting in my face. He and his supposed girlfriend walk away for what is his likely hourly punishment. Fiona and I take some more shots of Patron’…

Beware The Chronic Complainer

I met a girl at some random spot in nature and we set up a date the next day. I insisted we do something like get coffee or walk by the pier but we ended up going on the most generic, underwhelming date ever – lunch.  Lunch or dinner is my least favorite type of…

A Quick, Simple Checklist To See If You’re Dating A Crazy Or Not

Admit it, you’ve had your suspicions, but you try your best to avoid thinking about it. Maybe this has kept you up at night, or maybe this is a thought that quickly comes and goes. But one thing that you can’t deny?  It’s on your mind.  That alone should TERRIFY you. Before you know it,…


I’m having a conversation with one of my doctors who knows a bit too much about me. He knows some crazy shit I’ve gotten myself into so to say he is blunt with me is an understatement: Me: I am for real done dating Crazies this time. Doctor: That’ll NEVER happen. Me: I’m done this…

What To Do When Your Ex PRETENDS You Two Are Still Together

I’m in the kitchen washing a dish and I hear a knock on the door. Ah fuck I thought. I know exactly who it is. Heaven Lee, my ex girlfriend. I walk to the door and it was like the Underworld appeared before me: Heaven Lee had this crazed expression – those piercing blue eyes…

People Are Always Showing You Their True Colors

Sara: How are you and Fiona? Me: Oh wonderful. Fiona is super caring and thoughtful. She’s always doing nice things and favors for her friends and family.  Sara: Awe that’s sweet. I’m happy for you two. Later that day… I’m walking to the car Fiona is sitting in and I overhear her on the phone:…