When You F*ck Up, Do This

I made a questionable decision to let someone drive my car who hadn’t driven in like four years. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? It couldn’t be that bad. It was that bad. We approach a red light: Trixie: OH MY GAWWWD WHAT DO I DO? I kid you not, she really said…

Your Ex Is Posting About You On Social Media & What To Do About It

Friend: Dude, she’s doing it again… Me: Still? Friend: Yeah, look at this: *opens Facebook app* Angry Ex: “I HATE HIM SO MUCH!!! I WANT TO THROW ROCKS AT HIS HOUSE!!!…but I like his cat.” Me: Rocks?  What is this, the fuckin Stone Age? Friend: Haha…I don’t even know man… Me: What’s next, shoot me…

How to Spot a Crazy Before it’s Too Late

First dates are truly a special thing. Excitement and nerves merge, intrigue and emotions heighten, mystery and hope collide. You learn new things about that person, your curiosity continues to peak… And then, something magical happens… A direct connection is born. Two people seemingly become a mirror image of each other. Their eyes lock, their…

What To Do When Your Ex is Keeping Tabs on You

Breakups are tough. Breakups can be scary. You step into the unknown, unsure, uncertain of what the future beholds. But breakups can be the start of a new chapter, a season of change, a season of courage, a season of growth.     Well, not for Heaven Lee.  We’d been broken up and it was chaos…

New Relationship, Same Crazy

New relationships have a feeling of excitement and intrigue unlike anything else. They take us out of the day-to-day monotony and place us in a world of spontaneity. We become more adventurous, more willing to take risks, and less afraid of consequences. Carefree, living in the moment, and loving every bit of it. Everything is…

Practical Ways to Deal with an Overwhelmed Person

I’m hanging out with my best friend, Niko, who I hadn’t seen in months, but someone shows up at my door unexpected. My girlfriend (at the time). Ex: I need to talk to you right now. Sounds like an emergency, so I put hanging out with Niko on hold to talk to her. Me: What’s…