Stop Relying On Your Strengths. Rely On This Instead:

Whether told through history, or through myth, the hero’s journey is consistent. There comes a turning point where the hero gets knocked down, and their strengths aren’t there to pick them up. As skillful a fighter Perseus was, his tactics alone would do nothing against Medusa but turn him to stone. Theseus’ strength carried him…

The Universe Owes You Nothing

I spilled some cottage cheese at Trader Joe’s and that shit blew up like Charles Barkley one week off Weight Watchers. I think to myself, should I make a run for it, or should I own up to it? I decide to own up to it and let them know the cottage cheese covering half…

The Emotional Vortex

*Incoming call from Ashley* Me: Hey Ash. Douche: WHO THE FUCK IS THIS? Me: Uh…who the fuck is this. Douche: TELL ME YOUR NAME RIGHT NOW MOTHERFUCKER. Me: I’ll give you a hint. It’s under the contact name you just called. Douche pauses. I’d like to think he realized his apparent stupidity, but I don’t think…

The Three Pillars of Fitness (Hint: Only One is Physical)

I know a guy, he’s physically fit, very into health, but when it comes to learning new things and getting smarter, he’s a casual pile of rocks. While a lady I once worked with had a growth mindset and was always looking to get smarter, she never took care of her body. And then there…

Why “Nice People” SHOULD Finish Last

“I want to date a nice guy.” “I’m nice to others. I don’t know why they’re not nice back.” Chances are you know multiple people who have said these words. They’re nice, so they deserve to be treated with generosity in return, right? There is a reason why nice people finish last, and it, in…

The Decision That Will Make Or Break You

When you’re on The Path you’re going to be tested in unforeseeable ways. Obstacles that would have been impossible to prepare for will show up no matter what the amount of planning or analysis you could have done. Your response, not the event itself, will determine your future. And you have two options of how…

Is Patience Passive?

Guy: I’m gonna start writing my book this summer. Me: It’s January Guy: Yes it is Julian. Me: You could get a lot done in 5-6 months. Guy: Well I’m going to be patient about this. I’m going to go slow. You know, not rush. Me: So, being patient, as in…do nothing…? Guy: Well I…

You Can’t Spell Busy Without BS

Me: Hey, what’s up? Girl: BUSY BUSY BUSY!! Me: How? You don’t work. Girl: Well I had my nail appointment at 9, then my hair appointment at 11, then took a nap, then went to the casino, then my nails, then baked cookies, then watched Gossip Girl. Me: Sounds like a wearisome workload. Girl: Yeah…

New Relationship, Same Crazy

New relationships have a feeling of excitement and intrigue unlike anything else. They take us out of the day-to-day monotony and place us in a world of spontaneity. We become more adventurous, more willing to take risks, and less afraid of consequences. Carefree, living in the moment, and loving every bit of it. Everything is…

Fake Passion vs. Real Passion

Guy: I CAN’T WAIT to start working out again! I’m pumped! Me: Why’d you stop? Guy: WELLLL….you know how it is. Life….busy-ness. Me: Alright, when are you gonna start? Guy: I’m waiting for January 1st to start! Me: What happens on January 1st? Guy: That’s when my resolution starts! Me: What happens if it starts…