Standard Lockdown Procedure When Your Ex Goes Full Psycho On You

Face it – you tried to reason, you tried to fix things, but it keeps getting worse.  No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, the drama only intensifies. You assure yourself that this is only temporary, that your ex will eventually get over it and stop harassing you. But you know…

Practical Ways to Deal with an Overwhelmed Person

I’m hanging out with my best friend, Niko, who I hadn’t seen in months, but someone shows up at my door unexpected. My girlfriend (at the time). Ex: I need to talk to you right now. Sounds like an emergency, so I put hanging out with Niko on hold to talk to her. Me: What’s…

Being Sensitive vs. Being Defensive

  I show up at a friend’s home, and there is a surprise waiting for me. I walk in and there it is, in all its glory, looking irresistible. Looking delicious. Cheesecake. My weakness. It’s like crack for me. Friend: I just made this, have a plate. Me: No thanks. His face drops. Me: I’ve…